Azoospermia Surgery Cost in Bangalore

Azoospermia is a medical condition that affects many men and causes the ejaculated sperm to contain no sperm at all. It affects about 15% of men who struggle with infertility and affects about 1% of men overall. The issue could be caused by a problem that prevents your testicles from producing sperm or by a problem that prevents sperm from leaving your body.

Azoospermia can be cured with the help of advanced medical treatments and a healthy lifestyle, according to studies. Azoospermia-related infertility can be treated, to varying degrees, depending on the type and severity.

Azoospermia Surgery Cost in Bangalore- Affordable at Motherhood Hospital 

Surgery such as microsurgical or endoscopic reconstruction is recommended for obstructive azoospermia (sperm blockage due to any physical abnormality). On the other hand, for nonobstructive azoospermia (no sperm production due to internal or external factors), medication, a change in lifestyle habits, and physical activity will assist the individual in regenerating sperm and increasing its fertility. Therefore, couples with Azoospermia can conceive.

Azoospermia is caused by what?

We are aware of several potential causes, such as hereditary conditions like Klinefelter's disorder, medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, recreational drugs like opiates, and anatomical anomalies.

A vasectomy, which prevents sperm from joining different liquids in the discharge, might be the most obvious cause. But most of the time, azoospermia is probably caused by things we can't always see, like genetic conditions, poor testicular development as a hatchling or child, or natural poisons.

Azoospermia Surgery Cost in Bangalore- Get it done at Motherhood Hospital 

Azoospermia treatment cost in India 

Treatment type: Azoospermia Treatment

Treatment time: 10 - min: Recovery time: 2 - 3 weeks

Chances of recurrence: low: Success rate: 38 - 63%: $520, $635, $907

How is the treatment carried out?

In the context of azoospermia, if the male patient's ejaculate contains no sperm, it can be inferred that either a blockage in the male reproductive tract or a problem with sperm production occurred. Obstructive azoospermia and non-obstructive azoospermia are the terms for azoospermia caused by blockages in the male reproductive tract and problems with sperm production, respectively.

There are several possible causes of blockage or obstructive azoospermia, including a previous infection, prostatic cysts, surgery, injury, or the congenital absence of the vas deferens (CAVD). Microsurgery or endoscopic reconstruction can treat all other causes of obstructive azoospermia, except the issue of congenital absence. To conceive, patients who are experiencing blockage issues may choose to use sperm retrieval or assisted reproductive technology.

Non-obstructive azoospermia, on the other hand, can be treated with medication to help some men produce ejaculated sperm (such as those with reversible conditions like Kallman syndrome, varicocele, hyperprolactinemia, and others). However, sperm retrieval from the male patient's testis in conjunction with assisted reproduction typically becomes the only option for having a biological family. The fact that only 50%–60% of male patients with non-obstructive azoospermia have usable testicular sperm presents a challenge. In addition, clinical examinations such as testicular size, serum FSH level, biopsy reading, and ejaculated sperm history cannot accurately predict sperm recovery from the testis.

Cost of Azoospermia Treatment The cost of Azoospermia treatment varies depending on the type of disease and the treatment plan outlined by the physician. You can either make an appointment with the Motherhood Fertility & IVF Centre or call 08067238900 for more information about the cost of Azoospermia treatment.


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